Warning to Bob Wass Untold-media.co.uk
Warning to Bob Wass Untold-media.co.uk
I, Daniel Freakley, decided to use the name untold.media, untold media, untold-media, Untold Media and many variations of it.
I registered Untold Media as a trademark:
And Google first indexed my domain 10+ years ago.

Video Production Liverpool
untoldmedia.co.uk was first online and live in 2003. Untoldmedia.com (now lost) was online even before 2003. Run your own lookup at https://www.nominet.uk/lookup/
Registered Trademark
Due to Bob Wass using Untold Media as a (his words) “Business Trading Name” we registered Untold Media as a trademark in 2013. At no point was the trademark contested during pre-approval.

Bob Wass Plagiarising Untold Media
For a long time now Mr Bob Wass has been Plagiarising the brand Untold Media. We want this to stop.
Untold Media is Owned by Dan Freakley
Using somebody elses intellectiual property can cause you big problems.
UK Government Advice: https://www.gov.uk/using-somebody-elses-intellectual-property